Rye binary tries to not be just a language runtime, but a useful tool. The console also tries to be more than just REPL, but also place where you can explore and introspect tha language and your ideas.
Rye binary tries to not be just a language runtime, but a useful tool. The console also tries to be more than just REPL, but also place where you can explore and introspect tha language and your ideas.
An growing list of simple GUI examples.
You can use Rye console, to evaluate Rye code. But Rye has some specific functions that usually aren’t used in normal Rye programming, but can be very handy in the console. For one thing, the console helps you explore the Rye environment.
Rye environment is formed by Words and words come in Contexts. You can navigate, list, use and modify contexts and assign words.
When you enter a console in a usual way by calling rye
for example, a new Context is created and the parent context
of it is the context where all the Builtins are defined.