

We’ve seen that Rye code can consist of literal values, for example:

33                     ; integer
"Hello word"           ; text    ; URL
'word                  ; literal word
{ 1 2 3 }              ; block of integers
{ "Hello" "Word" }     ; block of texts


And these values can be assigned to words using set-word, words that have a colon or their right.

age: 33
message: "Hello World"
type: 'word
numbers: { 1 2 3 }
words: { "Hello" "World" }

If you’ve programmed in any language before, the concept is the same as with variables.

Using bound words

We haven’t looked at function calls yet, but the use of print function below will be self-evident I hope.

print "Hello world!"
; prints: Hello world!

message: "Hello Mars!"
; assigns text "Hello Mars!" to word message

print message
; prints: Hello Mars!

Assigning expression results

Values that get assigned to words can also come from expressions.

Again we haven’t looked at op-words yet, but effect of + is probably understandable.

meaning: 24 + 18

print meaning
; prints: 42

Inline use

Everything in Rye returns a value. Use of Set-words also return the assigned value, so they could be used inline of expreee.

fruits: 100 + apples: 12 + 21
; we set:
; apples: 33
; fruits: 133

Left set-words

You will se why later, but Rye also has set-words that take value from the left.

"Jim" :name
12 + 21 :apples + 100 :fruits