
Context is akin to what’s called scope in most programming languages. Context is environment in which Rye code is evaluated in. Context gives Rye words, well, a context.

But context is also just another Rye value type. You can create them, manipulate them, link and combine them together, write functions that work with them or in them.

Context structure

Context is just a dictionary of words and values, an optional link to the parent context, and an optional docstring.

First look

When you start the Rye console, you enter an empty context. Your context has a parent context where all the built-in functions are defined. You can list the empty context with lc (list context) and a parent context lcp (list parent context) functions.

BTW: Try the code below in the console on the top right, it’s always better to see it work for real :)


; ...
; ... will print all built-in functions and subcontexts
; ...
; where-lesser: [BFunction(3): Returns table of rows where specific colum is lesser than given value.]
; where-match: [BFunction(3): Returns table of rows where a specific colum matches a regex.]
; where-not-contains: [BFunction(3): Returns table of rows where specific colum contains a given string value.]
; with: [BFunction(2): Takes a value and a block of code. It does the code with the value injected.]
; wrap: [BFunction(2): Accepts a value and a block. It does the block, with value injected, and returns (passes on) the initial value.]
; wrap\failure: [BFunction(2): Wraps an Error with another Error. Accepts String as message, Integer as code, or block for multiple parameters and Error as arguments.]
; xor: [Pure BFunction(2): Bitwise XOR operation between two values.]

Now we’ll define two variables and a function. In fact, we bind three words with values, first word to an integer, second to a text and third to a function. Then list the current context again.

name: "Gerald"
xp: 1023
speak: does { print "Hmm" }

; Context:
; name: [String: Geralt]
; speak: [Function(0)]
; xp: [Integer: 1023]

Word resolution

Words are just words. The context in which we evaluate the code, consisting of words and literal values, gives them meaning (values).

When the evaluator gets to a word, it looks for the word’s bound value in the current context. If it doesn’t find one, it goes up to the parent context, if a context has a parent, and looks there, and so on …

In the parent context of our opening context, print is bound to a built-in function that prints a text. The evaluator finds the word and since its value is a function, it evaluates the function.

lcp\ "print"        ; list parent context with a filter
; Context:
;  print: [BFunction(1): Prints a value and adds a newline.]
;  ...

print "Hi"
; prints: Hi

print name          ; name is found in current context
; prints: Geralt

speak               ; speak is found in current context and is bound to a function
; prints: Hmm

Setting context values

Evaluator can find (read) a value from the current or any parent context, but there is no syntax in Rye to directly set (write) a value in parent or sub-contexts.

Set and mod words always set or change values of words in the context code is evaluated in.

name: "Jim"

friend: context { name: "Jane" , print name }
; prints: Jane

print name
; prints: Jim

print friend/name
; prints: Jane

Sending messages

What you can do, is “send messages” to other contexts, that means “call functions” there. But in Rye, a limited number of functions that change values in-place (hence can change state) need to end with “!” (exclamation mark), so the calls to such modifying functions are visible and explicit.

count: 0

actuator: context { loop 100 { inc! 'count } }

print count
; prints: 100

reseter: context { change! 0 'count |if { print "Changed!" } }

print count
; prints: 0

Function evaluation

Functions are evaluated in their own contexts and exactly the same rules apply. Functions can’t change values outside their context directly, but they can read values from their parent contexts. If not, they also wouldn’t have access to any other functions, because they are also just words defined in (parent) contexts.

name: "Jim"

change-name: fn { n } { name: n } ; does nothing outside the function

change-name "Bob"

print name
; prints: Jim

You can create functions in multiple ways and by this define which context is set as parent context or a direct context when the function evaluates. This is a source of many interesting features, we will look into this in the Rye specifics section.

No global context

Lets review what we learned in the context of so-called “global scope”.

In Python, for example, a function can modify global variables. You explicitly declare which variables inside a function are global with a global keyword. In Rebol, you explicitly define which words are local. This is problematic. If you forget to define a word as local, you are setting and changing a global variable.

Both approaches mean that you have to scan the code higher up in a function to understand, where local code makes modifications.

Rye functions can’t change the global scope (context), or any other context, by assignment at all.

messages: { }

add-message: fn { m } { .append! 'messages }     ; will work

init-messages: fn { } { messages: { "First!" } } ; won't work, will set local messages


add-message "Hello"

probe messages
; [Block: [String: Hello] ]

In fact, there is no global scope in Rye. There are no absolute scopes, all scopes (contexts) are relative. Individual contexts of separate linked chains of contexts and you can define a function to evaluate in any of them.

If you wish to read more about contexts right now, visit the first class contexts page.