“if it has no special forms, how does it have if”
On the previous page, we looked at the do function. It accepts one argument, a block of code and evaluates it.
do { print "Hello" }
; prints: Hello
Now think of a function similar to do function. But it takes an additional argument and only evaluates the block of code if the first argument is True (1).
And so we get if, and it’s just an ordinary built-in function, just like do is.
if 0 { print "Moon" }
; doesn't print anything
if 1 { print "Sun!" }
; prints: Sun!
if 10 < 20 { print "Hello" }
; prints: Hello
value: 101
if is-integer value { print "Great!" }
; prints: Great!
To achieve if-else behaviour we have another function called either.
It accepts a condition and two blocks. If the condition is true it evaluates first block, if not the second.
either 1 { print "hello" } { print "yello" }
; prints: hello
either 0 { print "hello" } { print "yello" }
; prints: yello
Like everything else in Rye either is an expression and returns something. It returns the last value in the block it evaluates. So it acts as a ternary operator would in C-like languages.
print either 1 { "hello" } { "yello" }
; prints: hello
num: 99
increment: true ; true is just a function that returns 1
print num + either increment { inc num } { num }
; prints: 199
Switch is also a function in Rye. Similar to either it returns the last value of evaluation.
switch 2 { 1 { print "one" } 2 { print "two" } }
; prints: two
animal: "duck"
print switch animal { "duck" { "quack" } "dog" { "woof" } }
; prints: quack
Blocks of code are just like other Rye blocks, we can store them in a variable for example. There is nothing special about if, it’s just a function.
say-hello: { print "hello" }
if 20 > 10 say-hello