
“Rye code is a block of Rye values. Block is also a Rye value.”

Simple values

Rye code can represent various value types. Here are a few:

1                   ; integer number
3.14                ; decimal number
"Jane"              ; string    ; email ; uri
%foo/      ; file path
blue                ; word
context/word        ; cpath (context path)


Multiple compound value types exist in Rye, but a block type is the most important one.

It’s similar to a List in other languages. It’s the main building block for Rye code.

{ 1 3.14 "Jane"  }  ; a block of four values

{ { "Jane" 320 } { "Jim" 290 } }     ; a block of two blocks

{ red green blue }                   ; a block of 3 words

{ print 101 + 10 }                   ; a block of what looks like code

{ if x = 0 { print "ZERO" } }        ; another block that looks like code with a sub-block


Word is another very important value type. In a programming context words are bound to other values, but in data context, words are just words. They are indexed entities.

All Rye entities must be separated by spaces, and many characters can be used for words. Below are 3 valid words:




Word types

Rye has many types of words. It might seem a little strange at first, but you will see that they can be useful.

word      ; normal word
'word     ; lit-word
word:     ; set-word
:word     ; lset-word
word::    ; mod-word
::word    ; lmod-word
?word     ; get-word
.word     ; op-word
|word     ; pipe-word